Grace Summers - American Farmland Trust

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Grace Summers

Women for the Land Southeast Outreach Consultant

Grace has a B.S. in Agronomy from North Carolina State University, a M.S. in Plant Science and Horticulture and a M.S. in Agricultural Education from North Carolina A&T State University. Grace currently works part-time as a State Program Assistant with the Virginia State University Cooperative Extension Program. She coordinates a collaboration with the Small Farm Outreach Program and USDA NRCS to get information to farmers about NRCS Programs. She also provides technical advice on crop production as well as High Tunnel management. Grace retired from North Carolina A&T State University Cooperative Extension Program in October 2016, where she was an Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Associate/ Applied Research Coordinator. During her time with NCAT, she set up and managed the Horticulture Research Unit as well as coordinated the Plasticulture and Drip Irrigation Program. She has over 30 years of Greenhouse Management and Production experience and 20 years of High Tunnel building and production experience. Grace also owns and manages Summers Farms which has been in her family since 1878. She raises vegetables, hemp, strawberries and chickens and turkeys for meat and eggs. Grace also finds time to serve on the Guilford County Farm Bureau Board as well as the NC Farm Bureau Ornamental Horticulture Advisory Committee and is a founding Board member of Green Rural Redevelopment Organization (GRRO) and Feast Down East.