Meagen Baldy
Women for the Land California Tribal ConsultantBiography
Meagen Baldy is the Executive Director of the Klamath Trinity Resource Conservation District. Meagen is a member of the Hoopa Valley Tribe, she resides in Hoopa, CA. She is the outreach cook and manages the Hoopa community garden in Hoopa. Her true passion is teaching people across Indian Country how to cook and utilize local foods, indigenous foods, and accessible foods in healthy dishes. Meagen is a mother of four children and also a caretaker of her three nephews, so raising 7 children, she is more than ever passionate about home preservation, raising her own livestock, and growing her own food. Meagen carries these passions over into her work, developing the community garden as a mentoring tool to help at risk youth learn skills on how to grow their own food, and how to cook it. She is also an advocate for indigenous producers and serves on numerous boards and advisory committees in agriculture, including on the California USDA-NRCS Tribal Advisory Committee.