Rachel Tayse - American Farmland Trust

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Rachel Tayse

Begin Farming Program Coordinator, Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association / Certified Land Access Trainer

Rachel is an organic agriculture and sustainable food system advocate based in Columbus, Ohio. In 2019, she began working for the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) as the Begin Farming Program Coordinator. Rachel organizes educational programming, provides direct technical assistance, and coordinates internships, mentorships and apprenticeships. Rachel is the Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship Education Coordinator and a Farm Beginnings® Facilitator.
A first-generation beginning farmer herself, Rachel has 7 years of collaborative, urban organic produce farming experience from her farmstead in Central Ohio. With partners, Rachel’s worked on a USDA Value-Added Producer grant, completed several Mid-Ohio Foodbank Urban Agriculture projects, and led a North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (NCR-SARE) Farmer-Rancher grant. Rachel has contributed her time to the NCR-SARE Technical Review Committee since 2017. When not working for sustainable agriculture initiatives, Rachel enjoys cooking and eating local food, enjoying live music, and spending time with her daughter Lillian.