American Farmland Trust, Cornell Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health Program, and partners launched the Practical Soil Health Specialist Training Program in 2018 to establish a network of agricultural service professionals to support and educate farmers to improve soil health on their land. Specialist trainees get an in-depth understanding of what soil health is, how it can be measured and monitored over time, and how soil health can be improved through holistic, adaptive, and data-driven soil management.
In January 2020, participants in the New York Soil Health Specialists program wrapped up their training and are now putting their experience into action, sharing their knowledge with farmers in their service region of New York over the course of the next year. Through one-on-one consultations and soil health workshops of their own, soil health specialists anticipate reaching 400 farmers operating 80,000 acres of farmland through field days, and anticipate engaging with 50 farmers to conduct soil health assessments, develop soil health plans, or implement soil health practices such as cover cropping, reducing tillage, rotating crops and more efficiently managing nutrients.
Please return to this page for future workshops and opportunities offered by the New York Soil Health Specialists across the state.
For more information please contact:
Aaron Ristow, Agricultural Stewardship Program Manager, American Farmland Trust, at