Join American Farmland Trust’s leadership for two special events about the future of agriculture and AFT.
Facebook Live Stream
On Sunday, Aug. 30 at 4 p.m. ET we are hosting a Facebook live stream to connect you with AFT’s passionate and experienced leaders for a conversation on how our current crisis highlights major challenges in our agricultural system that must be fixed in order to heal and grow our nation’s food system.
Click here to mark your calendar and read more on the event.
Free Range Conversation
On Tuesday, Sept. 1st at 8 p.m. ET we’re holding a Free Range Conversation that will focus on how AFT is planning to address the challenges of agriculture today, discussing solutions centered on the land, practices, and people that give us hope for the future of farming.
You can join the call at any time using this number: (855)-756-7520 Ext.65046#