State: Michigan
Three Dogs Seed Farm
In Northern Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Dani Fegan of Three Dogs Seed Farm is saving culturally important and climate-adapted seeds of foods, plants, and medicines for her community’s food sovereignty and security. She used the Brighter Future Fund grant money to have a groundwater well drilled on the property.
Protecting the Great Lakes Through a Farm Navigator Network
The project goal is to support the ecological health of the Great Lakes while sustaining a viable agricultural economy and communities.
Midwest Policy Priorities
AFT is dedicated to working with partners to find solutions to agricultural problems in a comprehensive and holistic manner in Midwest state policy.
Rob Manigold: Protecting Precious Land—and Planting Wildflowers
Rob Manigold worked with AFT to protect land and to plant pollinator habitat.
Crothers Farm: Modeling the Importance of Protecting Farms
A grant from AFT’s Love Fund helped to protect the Crothers Farm, which will serve as a good model for other landowners.
The Love Fund
The Owen and Ellen Love Family Farmland Protection Fund helps Michigan communities and land trusts permanently protect farmland.
Women for the Land
AFT helps women farmers and landowners protect their land and embrace conservation.