Rowantree Farm
Rowantree Farm sits on 104 acres in Cumberland County, PA. In mid-July, the farm is an idyllic scene with vibrant fields surrounded by woods; a historic barn, milkhouse, and farmhouse complete the picturesque setting, along with the goats, pigs, chicken, sheep, and highland cows scattered throughout the property. Farm owner Rowan Miller runs the farm mostly by herself. The farm was established in 2014, when Rowan bought what she now calls the “small farm” and began raising sheep, chickens, and pigs, growing vegetables, and homesteading. For Rowan, farming was directly connected to her interest and background in health. Rowan worked as a home health nurse and a licensed massage therapist and was trained in Functional Medicine. Through farming, she knew she could provide nutritious food to support her own health and the health of her family and her community, and this is still what motivates Rowan today.
In 2022–23, Rowan participated in a American Farmland Trust Women for the Land Cohort, funded by a Conservation Innovation Grant from Pennsylvania Natural Resources Conservation Service and a Northeast Sustainable Agriculture mand Education program grant. The cohort, a group of nine women farmers all located in the Susquehanna watershed, came together in person and virtually over the course of nine months to focus on advancing soil health as part of whole-farm systems. She hopes to continue to stay connected with the group of women moving forward. And, with funding provided through the Women for the Land program, Rowan was able to make improvements on her farm, such as upgrading electric fences.

Rowantree Farm provides customers with a variety of products, from fruits and vegetables to pastured meats and eggs; customers can find these products at farmer’s markets, on the farm’s website, or by signing up for a CSA. On the Rowantree Farm website, you’ll see the motto displayed across the home page, “Our food is our medicine”. For Rowan, healthy soil is not only making the land and animals healthier, but it also contributes to human health; by nourishing the soil, she can then provide nourishing food to others.