National Agricultural Land Network
Mission Area: Protecting Farmland
National Agricultural Land Network
To further strengthen the collective capacity of public agencies, planning entities, and land trusts working to protect agricultural land, AFT launched the NALN in 2020.
Land Protection Projects
AFT is an agricultural land trust. We have permanently protected more than 200 properties totaling more than 73,000 acres using agriculture conservation easements.
Farms Under Threat, A New England Perspective
Farms Under Threat: A New England Perspective analyzes threats and opportunities for a more resilient and justice-driven agricultural system in New England.
Working Lands Alliance
An American Farmland Trust project, the Working Lands Alliance is a statewide coalition preserving Connecticut’s farmland.
The Love Fund
The Owen and Ellen Love Family Farmland Protection Fund helps Michigan communities and land trusts permanently protect farmland.
Protecting Farms in New York
AFT works to protect farmland in New York through advocacy and informing planning for agriculture.
Real stories about the challenges farmers face in their efforts to keep their land in agriculture, day to day and generation to generation.
Farms Under Threat
Farms Under Threat is AFT’s multi-year effort to produce the most comprehensive assessment ever undertaken of U.S. land use.
Federal Policy
From our headquarters in Washington, D.C., AFT advocates for farmers, ranchers, and their land in the halls of Congress and in federal agencies and departments.
Farmland Pollinator Protection
The Pollinator Project helps grow populations of managed bees to increase pollination among crops