Grafton Solar
State: Massachusetts
Grafton Solar
Agrivoltaic solar project in Grafton, MA in partnership with AES and Bluewave provides a living laboratory to help understand how solar energy and agriculture can co-exist productively on the same land.
Sawyer Farm
Lincoln Fishman and his partner, Hilary Costa, operate Sawyer Farm as an organic, horse-powered, no-till farm. They were awarded a 2020 New England Farmer Microgrant, which they used to purchase equipment to expand their on-farm production.
Agric Organics
Hameed and Ayo Bello used a Brighter Future Fund grant to purchase four hoop houses to provide consistent, high-quality, healthy produce to their community.
Belmont Acres Farm: Farming for the Future—while Farming on the Edge
AFT helped the Ogilby family save their historic farm, which abuts a major metropolitan area.
Smart Solar Siting Partnership Project for New England
Smart Solar Partnership Project for New England is AFT’s multi-year effort to advance smart solar siting policies and programs in New England that accelerate the expansion of renewable solar energy facilities while maintaining New England’s most productive, resilient farmland.
Farms Under Threat, A New England Perspective
Farms Under Threat: A New England Perspective analyzes threats and opportunities for a more resilient and justice-driven agricultural system in New England.
Women for the Land
AFT helps women farmers and landowners protect their land and embrace conservation.