State: Idaho
Pacific Northwest Policy
American Farmland Trust has helped shape agriculture in the Pacific Northwest for over twenty years. We work with our partners to advance policies that protect farmland, support agricultural viability, enable farmers to adopt conservation and climate-smart practices, and bring a diverse new generation of farmers onto the land. We value strong partnerships, durable and strategic outcomes, and building bridges across challenging issues.
Resilient Agriculture West
Resilient Agriculture West is an American Farmland Trust initiative that works to increase climate resilience of Western farmers and ranchers.
Veteran Women for the Land
The Veteran Women for the Land project aims to foster a community of practice among veteran women farmers in the Pacific Northwest through a series of listening sessions, Learning Circles, and convenings. Our project offers both in-person and virtual learning opportunities tailored to the participants’ interests, providing veteran women with the necessary skills, training, and experience they need to be successful in agriculture.
Farmers Combat Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
AFT’s Farmers Combat Climate Change project in the Pacific Northwest aims to elevate the role of farmers and farmland to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Farmland for a New Generation in the Pacific Northwest
AFT’s Farmland for a New Generation helps beginning farmers find land and retiring farmers keep their land in agriculture in the Pacific Northwest.