Seeking: Farmer and Rancher Perspectives on Agrivoltaics in Colorado

With most new solar developments anticipated to be sited on agricultural land, it’s important for farmers, ranchers, and landowners to share their honest perspectives on how these developments will impact their livelihoods. These insights can help shape where projects are built, how they’re designed, and much more.
Made possible with a recent grant from the Colorado Department of Agriculture, an American Farmland Trust-led team is setting out to engage the state’s agricultural community in a dialogue specifically around the growth of Colorado agrivoltaics. The term “agrivoltaics” refers to solar development projects that purposefully integrate agricultural production and solar energy generation on the same piece of land.
Farmers, ranchers, and landowners in Colorado are encouraged to complete this short survey to share their honest perspectives on agrivoltaics and their impact on rural communities across the state. As an incentive for completing the survey, five $100 Visa Gift Cards will be awarded to randomly selected respondents. Responses to the survey will be accepted through April 15, 2024.
In addition to the survey, AFT is collaborating with our partners from Colorado Open Lands, AgriSolar Consulting, and Colorado State University to conduct events across the state to engage with Colorado farmers in person. The next scheduled events are listed below (check back for new events as they are booked).
- February 27 – 28 @ the Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association Annual Conference. Team members will be attending as exhibitors. Stop by our table to share your thoughts on Colorado agrivolatics. Register to attend the meeting here.
- February 29, 2024, @ the Colorado Agriculture Forum. Join us during Breakout Session 1 for Shining a Light on Agrivoltaics: A Workshop on Cultivating Energy and Crops. We’ll also have a table in the expo center where you can come chat with us. Register to attend the forum here.