Nicole Gwishiri - American Farmland Trust

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Nicole Gwishiri

WFL Southeast Sr. Program Manager

Nicole Gwishiri was born in Zimbabwe and grew up in North Carolina, where she participated in 4-H and Family and Consumer Sciences activities and classes. This path set Nicole to seek a Bachelor’s degree in Family and Consumer Sciences Education (once referred to as Home Economics) from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, or NCAT – teaching for six years about food systems, meal preparation, clothing construction, and family life at the high school level. After receiving her Master’s degree in Agricultural Education from NCAT (focusing on professional organizations such as Cooperative Extension), Nicole transitioned into becoming a Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent with Kentucky Cooperative Extension for another seven years. While an agent, Nicole focused on local food systems, including the farmers market access to low-income and non-traditional Extension families. Her most successful program in Bath County has to be the Power of Produce program, inviting youth to the farmers market to participate in learning activities while earning POP Bucks to spend with local vendors on fruits and vegetables. It has brought a significant amount of income for the farmers and increased access to Extension programming for non-traditional and underserved audiences. Nicole also holds a graduate certificate in Family and Consumer Sciences from the University of Kentucky – focusing on adult learners and its connection to family needs. Nicole serves on the board of RadioLex – a go-to information resource for thousands of listeners in Lexington’s underrepresented neighborhoods – especially the Black, Latinx, Asian, Immigrant & Refugee, and LGBTQ+ communities and others whose experiences and concerns are not represented in mainstream news media.

Nicole is an aspiring urban farmer, requiring her two toddler daughters to learn to grow and EAT their veggies and be good stewards of the land. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband and family.

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