We’re Half-Way There, Montana Joins US Climate Alliance

Last week, Montana Governor Steve Bullock announced his commitment to join the US Climate Alliance, bringing the total to 25 states who have made the pledge since the Alliance was formed just two years ago.
With Montana’s addition, the USCA now represents 55% of the U.S. population, an $11.7 trillion economy, and 40% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Alliance members commit to —
- Implement policies that advance the goals of the Paris Agreement, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025
- Track and report progress to the global community in appropriate settings, including when the world convenes to take stock of the Paris Agreement
- Accelerate new and existing policies to reduce carbon pollution and promote clean energy deployment at the state and federal level
American Farmland Trust proudly joined the USCA as an Impact Partner in June 2019. As an Impact Partner, AFT lends its technical expertise to help increase the volume of carbon stored in ecosystems; reduce losses of already-stored carbon; and decrease greenhouse gas emissions, specifically sharing policy guidance and implementation strategies for climate-smart practices on croplands and rangelands.

Natural and working lands – through photosynthesis — can and must play a role in drawing down carbon from the atmosphere. At the Mauna Loa Observatory, we’ve exceeded CO2 levels of 413 ppm, surpassing the critical threshold of 400ppm. As CO2 levels (a major greenhouse gas, along with CH4 and N2O) continue to climb, we get further away from reaching the Paris Agreement goal to keep global temperature rise well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
Simply reducing emissions from all sectors will not be enough, only by utilizing farmland and ranchland’s power to sequester carbon can we avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change. In order to achieve the goal of negative emissions, farmland and ranchland needs to play its important and increasing role in local, state, national, and global plans to save humanity.
Alongside Alliance work, AFT’s Farmer’s Combat Climate Change initiative will help farmers, ranchers, and landowners across this country – Climate Alliance State or no — play a unique role in reducing the growing threat of climate change while increasing food production, improving soil health, and protecting farmland for future generations.
Thank you, Montana, for joining the fight! We look forward to supporting your efforts, along with all Climate Alliance states current and future to achieve alliance goals.