AFT’s Michael Watercutter Honored as Field to Market Trusted Advisor Honoree
(From Field to Market)

Michael Watercutter has worked in sustainable agriculture for over a decade, starting shortly after graduating from Ohio State University with a degree in agronomy. In April of 2022, he was hired as a full-time conservation agronomist in partnership with American Farmland Trust (AFT) and Mercer Landmark to help increase awareness, education, and adoption of conservation practices in west central Ohio.
Having grown up on a family farm, Watercutter is uniquely capable of both explaining the innovative conservation practices he advocates for and showing the associated positive impacts through his own farm.
“Most farmers don’t want to hear from someone that’s three states away in a city,” Water cutter explains. “They trust their local retailers and neighbors more than anybody.”
Watercutter’s background in agronomy ensures that the solutions he’s suggesting are credible too, allowing him to consider each farm’s unique qualities to find the best fit.
“Not everybody is able to use the same conservation practices,” says Watercutter. “I’m there to help answer their questions so we can understand what kind of sustainable practices and conservation strategies will work for them.”
To read the full article from Field to Market, click here: Ohio Farmer and Agronomist Leading Through Expertise – Field to Market
Michael also shares his expertise about nutrient management in the AFT-Cargill Soil Health Training Videos. Click the link to watch the videos and take the survey for a chance to win one of three $150 gift cards.