National Grant for Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers Applicants - American Farmland Trust

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National Grant for Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers

Application Deadline and Instructions

Applications are now closed. Sign up to be notified about future opportunities. 

Applications will be reviewed and awarded in the order the applications are received based on eligibility. AFT will continue to receive applications and make awards until available funds are expended. All services supported by the grant must be completed within one year of the date of the Letter of Award (extensions may be granted upon request, but AFT encourages early spend-down). For grants funding long-range succession and transfer planning services, written statements showing progress/milestones may be requested.

AFT is committed to making the Brighter Future Fund accessible to the widest population possible and is pleased to be able to offer limited translation services for applicants. If interested, please email

Applicants can toggle between Spanish and English at the top of the application page.

Próximamente preguntas y pautas de solicitud en español.

Award Amount and Project Eligibility

Grants will be awarded in amounts up to $5,000 per project. A project may involve one or more individual farmers or farm families. Only one grant can be awarded per farmer/farm family.

Funding for this program is limited. As funding remains, awards will be made on an ongoing basis to eligible applicants who fulfill all application requirements and meet selection criteria.

Land tenure (ownership, a lease, license, or other written agreement) for a reasonable time period will be required for projects that involve on-the-ground improvements to farmland. If tenure is less than five years, please be prepared to demonstrate in the application that the tenure is sufficient in relation to the improvements being made or services being provided.

Applicant Eligibility

AFT seeks to support farmers and ranchers across America through the Brighter Future Fund.  Expanding on priorities established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Fund focuses its support on beginning, socially disadvantaged, limited resource, women, and veteran farmers and ranchers to support greater equity and opportunities for all in agriculture. 

Additional information that will be taken into consideration when making funding decisions include:

  • Priority for individuals who dedicate a majority of their work time to farming or ranching;
  • Need-based consideration of projects;
  • Diversity in farms as determined by the dollar value of farm products sold, acres in farming, and farm products grown, raised, or produced.
  • Projects that 1) Improve farm viability; 2) Access, transfer, or permanently protect farmland; or 3) Adopt regenerative agricultural practices

Farmers who previously received a Brighter Future Fund or The New England Farmer Microgrants Program grant are not eligible. However, those who applied but were not awarded funds during our previous Bright Future Fund grant cycles are encouraged to apply again.

Award Notification Process

If approved for a grant, AFT will send electronic notification in the form of a Letter of Award to the applicant within 60 days of the application closing. The Letter of Award will detail the approved timeline and process for payment based on the individual project.


For general questions or requests for assistance, or if you need materials in Spanish, email

Para preguntas generales o solicitudes de asistencia, o si necesita materiales en español, envíe un correo electrónico a

For media inquiries, contact Lori Sallet, director of media relations, at