CaRPE Tool™
Status: Active
The CaRPE Tool
The Carbon Reduction Potential Evaluation Tool, or CaRPE, is a web-based interactive tool that allows users to quickly visualize and quantify GHG emission reductions resulting from the implementation of a suite of cropland and grazing land conservation management practices.
Climate and Soil Health Initiative
AFT’s Climate and Soil Health Initiative is AFT’s comprehensive effort to ensure farmland, farming, and farmers’ roles in growing solutions and resilience to climate change.
The Alliance for New York’s Farmland
The Alliance for New York’s Farmland advocates for public funding and policies to protect farmland and support a new generation of farmers.
Soil Health for Dairy Suppliers
This project aims to help crop farmers who supply feed to Danone’s North American dairies build holistic soil health management systems across the project area.
Farms Under Threat: Biodiversity and Agriculture
AFT has embarked on a unique effort to map the agricultural and forested lands across the contiguous United States that help wildlife move daily and seasonally within their home ranges.
Smart Solar for New England
Smart Solar for New England is AFT’s work ensuring that clean renewable energy co-exists with New England agriculture instead of displacing it.
Kentucky Climate-Smart Cereal Rye Cover Crop Initiative
The Kentucky Commercial Rye Cover Crop Initiative is AFT’s effort to bring rye back to Kentucky as a commercial cover crop, build farmer and stakeholder excitement and awareness to the benefits of cover crops in general, engage end-user business interest and support, and improve regional soil and water quality and land conservation.
Farms for the Future
Farms for the Future: A Skill-Building Workshop Series for Municipalities, Land Trusts, and Non-Profits to Support Farms and Farmers in northern New England.
Sustainable Grazing Project
The Sustainable Grazing Project is AFT’s work promoting the adoption of regenerative farming practices that enhance soil health, sequester carbon, and increase productivity on farms and operations in Virginia.
Smart Solar Siting Partnership Project for New England
Smart Solar Partnership Project for New England is AFT’s multi-year effort to advance smart solar siting policies and programs in New England that accelerate the expansion of renewable solar energy facilities while maintaining New England’s most productive, resilient farmland.