Transitioning Land to a New Generation - American Farmland Trust

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Transitioning Land to a New Generation

Transitioning Land to a New Generation brought together leading experts to create the Land Transfer Training. This adaptable, skills-based curriculum is designed for agricultural service providers to support land seekers and landowners as they navigate the complex financial, legal, and interpersonal issues involved in a farm or ranch transfer.

Find training resources in Spanish and English below. 


Transición de la Tierra a una Nueva Generación reunió a los principales expertos para crear la Capacitación en Transferencia de Tierras. Este plan de estudios adaptable y basado en habilidades está diseñado para que los proveedores de servicios agrícolas apoyen a los solicitantes de tierras y a los propietarios de tierras mientras navegan por los complejos problemas financieros, legales e interpersonales relacionados con la transferencia de una granja o rancho.

Encuentre recursos de capacitación en Español y Inglés a continuación.

Do you work with farmers, ranchers, or agricultural landholders?
We have training resources to support you. Learn more through the links below.


¿Quiénes trabajan con agricultores, ganaderos o propietarios de tierras agrícolas?
Tenemos recursos para apoyarlo. Obtenga más información a través de los enlaces a continuación.

Project Advisors

Our Educational Team provided their insight and perspective on what diverse landowners and land seekers need during farm and ranch transfers.

Meet our Project Advisors

Trainer Cohort

Our cohort of Trainers is tested draft curriculum with farmers, ranchers, and land owners in their communities.

Meet the Trainer Cohort

Farmland for the Next Generation

Farmland for the Next Generation is an 8-part Land Access Training curriculum. Click here to to learn more about the project that developed it and find land access resources for beginning producers and agricultural service providers.

Farmland for the Next Generation: Land Access Training

This project was led by AFT's Farms for a New Generation with support from our funders.

Transitioning Land to a New Generation was funded by a Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) grant (Award # 2020-49400-33257) from the United States Department of Agriculture/National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA) with support from Farm Credit. Our 3-year project proposal worked to foster healthy communication skills between landowners and land seekers and continue to build a support network of ag service providers trained in land transfer skills.