Texas Solar Survey: Input Sought from Farmers, Ranchers, and Landowners

Texas is at the forefront of renewable energy expansion, making it a critical region for understanding the impact of solar development on land use and rural communities. To more effectively build consensus around Smart Solar℠ in Texas, American Farmland Trust believes the interests, needs, and concerns of farmers, ranchers, and landowners need to be heard and shared with decision-makers.
To gather these perspectives, AFT recently launched our Texas Smart Solar Survey. Farmers, ranchers, agricultural landowners, and others engaged in farming and ranching operations are encouraged to complete the survey to share their honest perspectives regarding solar on agricultural land in Texas. The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete, and all responses will be kept anonymous. As an incentive for completing the survey, $50 Visa gift cards will be awarded to randomly selected respondents.

Results from this survey will directly inform AFT’s Smart Solar strategy and our collaboration with stakeholders to facilitate smart and thoughtful build-out of solar capacity in Texas while benefiting farmers and ranchers while minimizing displacement of agriculture on Texas’s best land.
To learn more about AFT’s work in Texas, visit www.farmland.org/texas.