Drawing on decades of leadership at the intersection of agriculture and the environment, AFT has a vision for a resilient agricultural future where:
- America’s agricultural land base is secure, and farmers and landowners have the resources they need to permanently protect their land from development.
- Producers operate thriving, viable businesses while feeding their communities nutritious food.
- Farmers and ranchers are recognized and rewarded not just for the food, feed, fiber, and fuel they produce, but also for the environmental benefits they provide.
- A diverse new generation can afford to purchase farmland, build wealth, and contribute to a productive food system.
- Producers and service providers benefit from easier access to government programs and technical assistance.
To achieve this vision, we need YOU to join us in advocating for forward-thinking programs and policies. The next Farm Bill is our best chance to address the challenges our farmers and ranchers face, and chart a course to this more resilient food system.