Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture is represented by Shelly Rothman (she/her).
Shelly is co-founder and executive director of Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture Project. FoxRAP is on a mission to regenerate the soil, farms, community, and ecosystems of the Upper Fox River watershed in eastern Wisconsin. After studying conservation biology at University of Wisconsin-Madison, she joined forces with agriculture while living in Namibia, her husband’s native land, where they managed 37,000 acres of semi-arid savanna and 600 grass-fed beef cattle. Shelly and her family returned to her beloved Great Lakes region via a year-long transatlantic journey on a trusty 37-foot sailboat named Seahorse. Her experience abroad, as well as starting over in the States, gave her a vivid education in the worldwide struggle for access to land. She lives on an agroforestry farm among hundreds of fruit and nut trees where she works on her personal goal to help us find joy by reconnecting to ourselves, each other, and the landscapes we call home.
Learn more about Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture
Foxhead Regenerative Agriculture is a participating Navigator organization in Protecting the Great Lakes Through a Farm Navigator Network project.