Farms for a New Generation is a national initiative that supports new and next generation farmers and ranchers to gain access to land, steward it well, and succeed in agriculture. Through trainings, partnerships, and research we engage farmers, ranchers, agricultural land holders, and the specialists that support them. Check out our resources below to learn more.
Farms for a New Generation
Farmers and Ranchers
Are you a farmer or rancher looking for land to grow your business?
We have resources to support you.
- Contact us through the Farmland Information Center. Our specialists provide technical assistance free of charge.
- The Find Farmland pages walk users step-by-step through the process of finding land.
- The Land Transfer Training resources support a farm or ranch transfer process. (También disponible en Español)
- The Find Capital pages guide users to find financial resources.
- Search the Farmland Protection Directory to find organizations who support farmland protection in your area. They may connect you with available land and other support services.
- Search the Farm Link Finder for a land linking program near you. Land link or farm links work to match land holders with land seekers.
Use the resources below to find support.
Are you an agricultural land holder?
Are you starting to think about how to transfer your farm or ranch to an incoming producer?
We have different programs to meet different needs. Learn more and find support that is right for you.
- Learn about AFT’s Land Transfer Navigators partnership. Navigators are specialists trained to support farm and ranch transitions. A directory of Navigators is coming soon. In the meantime, you can contact the Farms for a New Generation team to connect with a Navigator in your region.
- Learn about AFT’s Farm Legacy Program and Land Protection Projects to see if one is right for you.
- Contact us through the Farmland Information Center. Our specialists provide technical assistance free of charge.
We have resources to support you.
- Search the Farmland Protection Directory to find organizations who support farmland protection in your area. They may be able to connect you with land seekers and other support services.
- Search the Farm Link Finder for a land linking program near you. Land links – or farm links – work to match land holders with land seekers.

Educators and Navigators
Use our resources to support farmers and ranchers you work with.
Do you support farmers and ranchers as they access or transfer land and businesses?
We work with agriculture educators and navigators across the country to support their on-the-ground efforts.
In collaboration with partners from across the country, we have developed educational resources to help land seekers and land holders access or transfer land and businesses.
Check out our resources for leading workshops with our adaptable, skills-based curricula.
- Land Access Training: This 8-part series helps beginners make good land access decisions and gain core skills they need to find and secure land.
- Land Transfer Training: This 5-part series supports land seekers and landowners as they navigate the complex financial, legal, and interpersonal issues involved in a farm or ranch transfer. (También disponible en Español)
Learn more about our current Navigator Programs.
- The Land Transfer Navigators program works to increase the transfer of farm and ranch land to a new generation.
- Protecting the Great Lakes through a Farm Navigator Network works to support the ecological health of the Great Lakes and sustain viable ag economies and communities.

Policy Makers and Advocates
Use our resources to support farmers and ranchers you work with.
Do you support policy development to help farmers and ranchers access or transfer land?
Our research priorities aim to understand the barriers facing new and diverse farmers. By understanding and voicing these experiences, we can lead to effective and inclusive systems change. Through our research we are creating and collecting resources for advocates to support farmers and ranchers.
- Land Access Policy Incentives research project is a collaboration with Indiana University and Portland State University to assess existing land access policies and recommend improvements that will better serve land seekers. Read more about our findings:
- An Assessment of the Transition Incentives Program – Dr. Megan Horst November 2022
- Survey of Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Participants: State Summaries
- Policy Incentives for Beginning Farmer & Rancher Land Access
- Transforming Agriculture for Resiliency is a discussion paper that examines producer characteristics to understand the impacts of who is farming, how they are farming, and where they are farming amid changing demographics, production systems, and agricultural land ownership and management.
- The Agriculture Viability Index was created to assess the vitality of agriculture in the Northeast. Click here to explore county, state, and regional data and learn more about the factors that make up a viable agricultural region.
- The Farmland Information Center has a searchable online library with resources for policy makers and advocates. You can search federal, state, and local laws through the search function, or contact us for support. Our information specialists provide technical assistance free of charge.
Meet the Farms for a New Generation National Staff
AFT Regional Offices
Our regional offices work on various land access and transfer issues. Explore them below.
*We recognize that access to land is a complex issue. We acknowledge the systemic theft and barriers to land that historically excluded communities, including Indigenous people, African Americans, and People of Color. We acknowledge that inequitable wealth distribution has placed agricultural land and resources out of reach for many aspiring farmers and ranchers. We envision a transformation of systems that foster health and prosperity for all people and land.*